At that
stress level, the elevated [CO2] continued to moderate the effect of
the water deficit; Pn ofthe 750 WS plant was 165% greater than that
of the 390 WS plants. However, the compensation was only partial
because Pn of 750 WS plants was still significantly much lower
than Pn observed for the 750 WW and 390 WW plants in previous
days. In this more severe phase of water stress,the concentration of
750 L L−1 of CO2 likely was not sufficient to compensate the diffusional
resistances that eventually inhibited the CO2 transport from
the ambient air to carboxylation sites. Further, under such stress,
biochemical limitations in addition to diffusional resistances likely
existed (Chaves et al., 2009).
At thatstress level, the elevated [CO2] continued to moderate the effect ofthe water deficit; Pn ofthe 750 WS plant was 165% greater than thatof the 390 WS plants. However, the compensation was only partialbecause Pn of 750 WS plants was still significantly much lowerthan Pn observed for the 750 WW and 390 WW plants in previousdays. In this more severe phase of water stress,the concentration of750 L L−1 of CO2 likely was not sufficient to compensate the diffusionalresistances that eventually inhibited the CO2 transport fromthe ambient air to carboxylation sites. Further, under such stress,biochemical limitations in addition to diffusional resistances likelyexisted (Chaves et al., 2009).
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