Drawing Your Strategy Canvas
Drawing a strategy canvas is never easy. Even identifying the key factors of competition is far from straightforward. As we shall see, the final list is usually very different from the first draft.
Assessing to what extent your company and its competitors offer the various factors is equally challenging. Most managers have a strong impression of how they and their competitors fare along one or two dimensions within their own scope of responsibility, but very few are able to see the overall dynamics of their industry. The catering manager of an airline, for instance, will be highly sensitive to how his airline compares in terms of refreshments. But that focus makes consistent measurement difficult; what seems to be a very big difference to the catering manager may not be so important to customers, who look at the complete offering. Some managers will define the competitive factors according to internal benefits. For example, a CIO might prize his company’s IT infrastructure for its data-mining capacity, a feature lost on most customers, who are more concerned with speed and ease of use.