1.When a whale weighs more than 100 tons, the shark weighs about 2,000 kg.
2.Whales give birth to young ones; sharks lay eggs.
3.Plankton and krill are the food of whales. However, toothed whales feed on squid and small fish. Sharks feed on fish and all marine animals.
4.Whales produce sound by which they communicate with each other and search for food. Sharks do not have communication skills.
5.Whales are endangered whereas sharks are not.
6.Whales are very friendly towards human beings and especially dolphins which are known to swim along with swimmers.
7.Sharks react involuntarily because of instincts. Whales are known to have self-determination as old and injured whales are known to commit suicide.
Read more: Difference Between Whale and Shark | Difference Between | Whale vs Shark http://www.differencebetween.net/science/nature/difference-between-whale-and-shark/#ixzz3PAEHOBvb