Cats es Face washing is a feline art. First, a cat licks the inside of its front paw and t rubs its face with the wet paw. A cat can spend hours washing itself, so why give your cat a bath If you have ever picked up a black cat which has been rolling in the soot or been near a smelly cat which has been snoozing next to the dust bin, you'll know the answer to that question. Cats sometimes have fleas and other insects living in their fur. Cat fur is flea heaven. But don't wash your cat too often. Every 15 days is fine and once a month is ideal, because fleas live for 20-30 days. There are oils on a cat's fur to make it soft and shiny. If you wash a cat too often, its fur will get too dry. Also washing a cat when the weather is cold, may cause colds, eye infections or ear infections. Also some cats are allergic to the shampoo or soap that you use in their baths. So before giving your cat a bath, you should wash a small part of its fur with shampoo to check if there's any skin reaction.