Huge quantities of agro-industrial biomass are produced
worldwide annually, although, these materials are potential
feed resources for ruminant livestock, their use is limited
due to high fiber components (Jarommi et al., 2011). Vast
quantities of crop residues are generated as a result of
agricultural practices. These residues pose both disposal
and environmental pollution problem. These results in the
loss of nutritionally valuable materials which when processed
could yield various valuable products like biofuels,
chemicals and cheap energy sources for fermentation,
improved animal feeds and human nutrients (Soliman et
al., 2013). There is tremendous potential of agro- industrial
by-products and crop residues in upholding the aims of
livestock production. However the high amount of lignin
content of the residues underscores optimal utilization.
Lignin interferes by acting as a physical barrier that
prevents the contact of cellulase to cellulose and other
nutrients (Umamaheswari et al., 2010