To make a good impression is to cultivate good feelings in mind, others thrive. In this sense, if repeated several times. The feel is buried deep under the consciousness of the people as long as Mao long long. The result is a tie with a pretty good relationship in the future. Many people. Many organizations give priority to provide the first impression, especially in the services sector are found that require a customer directly. The first impression is to practice with. Is always created.
By creating the impression will start from the first of all things. -Punctuality If you come to a timely appointment fit means you come late!, remember if you need an appointment, customers who are going to meet together. You should present yourself as trustworthy people with how simple it is to arrive approximately 5 minutes before your appointment to tattoo important subsequently, that is-the dress. Don't forget that this is the first meeting. What will our first assessment is that that is the external appearance, clothing, I should emphasize professionalism, for men. Wear a suit with a shirt-sleeved stretch gate ngotlaek. Women wear a suit with shirt Knee length skirt covers the color of clothing, both men and women should choose colors that gentlemen like inside white. Also the section black grey blue, etc. Subsequently, -Smile, smile! There is nothing to show that I am ready to start sharing only with a smile, which represents the gentle invitation and send a signal of prosperity or good sense to get together to listen to interesting stories from him. If you think it is a violation to have to smile, try to think about the great help to smile naturally, it helps. – The rest should Placing them properly, especially the first time should start from the greeting and exchange business cards after them instead into business issues, Loei. Look for interesting issues and is associated with the customer without customer talk will help us and our customers are more and more important in the end is – be prepared. The content in the story we'll talk negotiations with customers, because if we are not prepared to say, good information will make us worse. speech sequence, which shows that you are not credible. The customer may be denied later. It should get better before they go out to find customers, and it's important not to speak too much content or too long because it will probably make the easily bored customers.
The impression exists that is not difficult, but our attention is the seller should be prepared before heading out to work or talking with customers, because those things when they do come out, it is the customer's impression, because sales is in contact with the customer directly. Symbolising the behaviour that it is important that we create a satisfied customers, so the behaviour 5 I mentioned above. Explore yourself. that we acted properly. If they try to turn to deal with each other so that the next time through the sale goes smoothly and satisfaction together both parties lol.