‘Well — good night,’ he said hesitantly.
Suddenly they walked towards each other and shook hands. It was no perfunctory hand-shake: John Andros’s arm went around Markey’s shoulder, and he patted him softly on the back for a little while.
‘No harm done,’ he said brokenly.
‘No — you?’
‘No, no harm done.’
‘Well,’ said John Andros after a minute, ‘I guess I’ll say good night.’
Limping slightly and with his clothes over his arm, John Andros turned away. The moonlight was still bright as he left the dark patch of trampled ground and walked over the intervening lawn. Down at the station, half a mile away, he could hear the rumble of the seven o’clock train.
‘But you must have been crazy,’ cried Edith brokenly. ‘I thought you were going to fix it all up there and shake hands. That’s why I went away.’
‘Did you want us to fix it up?’