- Hoth is the only companion who generates quests for the player dynamically based on your location in the world. As a bounty hunter, Hoth is always picking up new contracts. Talk to Hoth and he will share his contracts for you to do together! Once you finish a quest given by Hoth, he will always have another to offer(infinite quests). There is always something to do with Hoth around!
- Hoth is radiant quest enabled. This means he will offer quests inside locations from other mods dynamically! Explore new mods together.
- Hoth is 100% fully custom voiced with high quality voice and sound work.
- Hoth has his own fully developed story and character within the game. What would you expect an old grizzled bounty hunter to say? Hoth will not disappoint.
- Hoth is perhaps the single most visually customized follower ever made for Skyrim.
- Hoth has unique custom armor.
- Hoth has unique custom gloves.
- Hoth has a unique custom hood.
- Hoth has a unique custom weapon.
- Hoth has unique custom body war-paint and insignia.
- Hoth has unique custom skin textures with decals such as cuts, scratches, scars, and stitches.
- Hoth has unique custom eye textures.