For any TreeHuggers who have assumed that big farmers don't care about soil health, they make for eye-opening viewing. For any TreeHuggers who are adamant that certified organic is the only way to go, they are probably not quite so encouraging.
What's intriguing to me is that this represents a shift in the conversation—this is no longer about competing ideologies, it's about exploring what works. And as evidenced from Jamie Scott's cover crop cocktails (and glyphosate use) through Clay Mitchell's Integrated Pest Management to Gabe Brown's transition toward eliminating chemical inputs all together, all farmers and all farms can benefit from an increased focus on soil health, and keeping nutrients, water and carbon in the soil.
As more and more acres across the world move away from intensive ploughing, we all get the benefit too.
And while many no-till fields do rely on herbicides to kill the cover crop before the planting season begins, organic farmers are getting in on the action too. Here's a video on how organic farms are exploring mechanical methods for killing back the cover crop.