In order to analyze whether the percentages of the different types of containers used in this industry varied from one country to the other,
a study was made of the type of material used to make the container. Once again, an independent sample t test was carried out. The results of this study are presented in Table 3. Starting with Levene’s test, it can be seen that in two out of the four cases the null hypothesis of equality of variance may be rejected (plastic containers and metallic containers—third column, data in bold). Taking this into account, the corresponding t tests for equality of means were carried out. These show that significant differences only exist in the percentage of metallic containers (sixth column, last row). It can be seen that the Spanish packaging/bottling firms use an average of 5.5% of metallic containers. In contrast, the use of this type of container in Belgium is practically inexistent. Analysis of the presence of the four types of containers in the two countries shows a preference for glass, the use of this type of containers being more frequent in the Spanish case. In contrast, the use of plastic containers is substantially higher in the Belgian industry than in Spain.