In the output of descriptive is ปัจจัยที่มีผลต่อการทำศัลยกรรมมากที่สุดคือสื่อต่างๆในสังคมสังเกตจากค่าmeans=3.95
In the output of descriptive statistics relating to satisfaction towards product and service by gender in the table 6, found that the a majority of female respondents towards each item are moderate which can be seen from the mean scores of these items. The mean scores of each item are between 3.25–3.96 that can be grouped as moderate response to the item of satisfaction. According to male respondents, their responses towards each items are moderate. However, male respondents were more satisfied with the cleanliness of food and food containers, which have, mean score value equal to 4.00 and 4.02 respectively.