In explaining what a case is, Yin suggests that the
term refers to an event, an entity, an individual or even
a unit of analysis. It is an empirical inquiry that
investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real
life context using multiple sources of evidence
sees case studies as being concerned with
how and why things happen, allowing the investigation
of contextual realities and the differences between what
was planned and what actually occurred. Case study is
not intended as a study of the entire organization.
Rather is intended to focus on a particular issue, feature
or unit of analysis. In order to understand and examine
the processes of training activities in organizations, case
study method was chosen. This method enables me to
understand the complex real-life activities in which
multiple sources of evidence were used. The used of
case study to probe an area of interest in depth is
particularly appropriate as described by Patton
, Case
studies become particularly useful where one needs to