An attempt was made for manufacturing low calorie mango jam by replacement of sucrose with alterna-
tive sweete ners (stevioside and suc ralose). Manufacture of mango jam with desired jam-like soft solid
characteristics was feasible only with 25% stevioside or sucralos e substitution. Herschel Bulkley and
Hahn model adequately described the steady state and time dependent rheologica l behavior of stev io-
side/sucralose jam, respectively. Consistency index and yield stress values of jam samples decreased with
increasing substitution of stevioside or sucralose due to reduction of total soluble solids (TSS). Flow
behavior index increased with decreasing TSS values, signifying liquid like behavior of jam. Dynamic rhe-
ological tests characterized mango jam as a weak gel. L⁄ (lightness), b⁄ (yellowness) and C⁄ (chroma) val-
ues increased with stevioside/sucralose substitution in jam. The spectral features for C–C and C–O
stretching indicated its impo rtance in ‘gel’ like structure formation due to hydrophobic interaction in
mango jam samples.