b. Questionnaires
Questionnaires are a simple way of giving the students meaningful question and answer practice .For use they should
relate to a topic of some kinds, e.g. like and dislike about food, activities, abilities etc. the answer required should be
either yes or no, or one of the frequency adverbs (never, hardly ever, sometimes, quite often, etc.)
If students are going to write their own questionnaires, it is helpful to elicit some ideas from the class first and perhaps
write these on the board. Then ask the students to make up their own questionnaires, using some of these items. They
can work in pairs for this, thus providing an additional source of talk. They may interview more than one student. They
can also be asked to report what they have learned to another student or to the whole class.
When students of pairs or groups collaborate on the production of the questionnaire, they will talk and write .At the
interviewing stage, they integrate talking and writing as well .In comparing the results, they have reading and talking.