The researcher believes that this result is attributed to the use of educational games which created a
learning environment characterized by fun and entertainment. This method increased the learners’ motives and
interests in the material taught and increased their concentration and attention for the stimulations in the
teaching-learning process. Acquisition of scientific concepts normally occurs through the learners’ interaction
with the stimulations faced and experiences went through. This assisted learners in shaping a mental image of
these stimulations and experiences based on the common characteristics of the stimulations. The results can also
be attributed to the fact that educational games increased self-confidence in students as they reinforce the active
role of the students in the learning process by participating in gaining knowledge which is not excluded in this
case to the teacher. The results can further be attributed to the fact that educational games can be practiced by all
students regardless of their academic achievements; i.e., all students of low and high academic achievements can
participate in these games. Numerous studies have indicated games as an engaging environment for learning.
Tüzün, Yılmaz-Soylu, Karakuş, İnal and Kızılkaya (2010) have found that primary school students could make
significant learning gains and demonstrate higher intrinsic motivation in a game-based learning environment.
Folta (2010) showed that students not only enjoyed playing the game, but felt that it was a good educational tool
because the outdoor science educational games made them felt they learned how to identify tracks, scat, trees,
and invertebrates depending on the role they played.