Tool (3) Nurses knowledge
questionnaire regarding ventilator- associated
pneumonia protocol of care tool. It was developed
by researcher after revising related literature to assess
nurses' knowledge regarding ventilator associated
pneumonia protocol of care. It includes two parts as
the followings Part one sociodemographic data such
as age, level of education, and years of experience in
ICUs, attending previous in-service training courses or
program about VAP prevention. Part two: it
comprises 70 questions about nurses knowledge
concerned with ventilator associated pneumonia
protocol of care which includes nurses knowledge
about a. mechanical ventilation 20 multiple choice
questions, b eleven multiple choice questions about
ventilator associated pneumonia, c. sixteen questions
about hand washing and standard infection control
precaution, d. eight questions about airway
management strategy, e. three questions about enteral
feeding protocol and f. twelve questions about
sedation vocation and testing patient readiness to e
weaned from ventilator. Scoring system of the nurse 's
knowledge questionnaire: the incorrect answer and no
response was allocated sore zero and the correct
answer was scored one. Grades of total knowledge of
the nurses in relation to different protocol technique
was as the following: fair = equal or more than 50%,
Good = > %50- 65%, very good = > 64%- _ 85%.