Notes from QC / BI meeting 14/07/2017:
RTY reports: QC009 to QC012
We focused on the report QC009 and agreed that RTY will be documented by the QC team, with actual examples in excel of rework and scarp (total = Reject) and with actual identification of the process to be included in FE, FI and FQC plus what processes that are excluded from FE.
For the report QC010 we discussed process group the work stream super users agreed to document the definition and link with AX.
The QC011 and QC012 reports were not discussed (out of time).
Internal Reject Trend QC019 to QC021:
Agreements noted in the meeting:
• The report only include Scape
• The report name is changed from Internal Reject Trend to Internal Scrape Trend
• QC super user team to make list of Production processes:
o Excluded from FE calculation
o Included in FE calculation
o Included in FI calculation
o Included in FQC
• Lotte (developer) to see if we can make above as selection tables in AX that can be used as support for the report
• QC super user team to get back with how we split between Campaign and none campaign orders
Let me know if you have any comments to above and if Sit or me can be of any support in preparing the documentation.
I plan to call a follow-up meeting 22nd of July in the afternoon – let me know if that work for you?