So what does this paper hold? If you are a level 4 learner you will want the whole
story in this paragraph… Not sure what a level 4 learner is… get in touch…
The Environment Model is a realistic, serious game you create in a parallel
universe to the one you work in. A complete duplication of your workplace using
technology to deliver, not using 3D walk around technology, delivered using
simple decision trees and well designed flowcharts. Delivered using the desktop
and mobile devices, using similar technologies to eLearning, voice on a telephone
and SMS to a mobile phone. An environment where your staff can go to
experience real world issues and challenges that happen in your business every
day, get feedback from peers, see the results of their decisions and understand
the implications before they do it for real. No single entry point to get in or
single door to get out, but a series of paths through every day life in your
organisation in an environment which is safe, where a wrong decision or poor
decision will not cost vast sums of money or time. Not a place where you go to
specifically do a course, but a place where you can experience.
Not bad for one paragraph….
There has been much conversation in recent months, with re