End of employment
You have stopped working for Philips. That means your pension accrual with Philips Pensioenfonds will also stop. This will change your pension situation. We will organise some of your pension issues on your behalf. However, you also have some personal choices to make. Will you start working for a different employer? In most cases, your Philips pension can be transferred to your new employer. Here you can read what you can do now in order to ensure your pension income will match your requirements later.
Termination of pension accrual
Your pension situation will change after leaving Philips. Here you can read what happens to your Philips pension and the choices you have.
Read the brochure...
What will happen regarding the survivor’s pension?
During your employment with Philips, you accrued survivor’s pension within your pension scheme automatically. The survivor’s pension amounts to 70% of the retirement pension accrued.
Please read step 2 in the brochure...
New employer? Then you can opt for a transfer of value
If you start accruing pension with a new employer, then you can transfer your Philips pension to your new pension administrator. This is called transfer of value.
You can read more on this subject in step 3 of the brochure...
What will happen with your Philips pension in the future?
We will update you on your pension regularly. And we will try to grant annual increase in order to retain your buying power.
You can find more information in step 4 of the brochure...
If your personal situation changes
Obviously, changes may occur in your personal situation. For example you may move or start a new relationship.
Read more in step 5 of the brochure...
Would you like to know what exactly you are supposed to do when your employment ends? Please take a look at the checklist.
You can find the checklist on page 27 of the brochure...