Banana being one of the most important fruit crops in the world
belongs to the genus Musa and family Musaceae. In country like
India it is used in religious ceremonies. Banana and its plant
have made its significant hold in the old medicine forms of the
country. The whole body of the plant is rich in carbohydrates,
dietary fibers; minerals like manganese, potassium and Vitamins
such as vitamin C and vitamin B 1
. Plant finds its importance in
industries like food, pharmaceutical, packing and feed. Pectin
being the major component in the plant and is of more economic
importance. Most of the pectin materials these days are seeking
importance in the industrial field as it has properties of forming
gels. Gels formed with high and low methoxy content both are
being worked on in food industries as pectin has role to play in
human’s diet2
. Pectin is used extensively in pharmaceutical
industries. Its effectiveness in drug delivery system is been
studied as it is degradable in the body3
. So aim of our study was
to extract pectin from agro waste product like Musa acuminata
and citrus fruit peel, samples by Alcohol precipitation method
and characterisation of pectin.