The resulting sensitivity plot (Fig. 4b) for non-captive stations calculated based on the model in Table 8 indicates the same trends shown in Fig. 4. However, the probability of choosing the nearest stations for non-captive stations decreased more quickly than the captive station model. Generally speaking, for the same travel distance, the more zones the commuters travel, the higher probability to choose the nearest stations. A very interesting thing is the exception of travelling three zones ($4.9) and four zones ($5.8). The non-captive model shows that there was less than a 50% chance for chosen stations to be the nearest station if travel distance was 10 km. No travel over five zones ($7.10) was identified for the transit trip involving in non-captive stations. This result could be interpreted that expect for a distance minimisation strategy, others such as cost and travel time minimisation strategies and multi-trip purpose utility maximisation could play important roles to the decision maker of this type trips. In addition, more travel uncertainty, such as availability of parking, could be involved in non-captive station choice than captive station choice. A sensitivity test was also conducted using the logistic regression model shown in Table 5 to identify the influence on the nearest station choice for travel distance (from an origin to a chosen station) and whether the station is further away from origins and destinations. The resulting sensitivity plot for captive stations, shown in Fig. 5, indicates that the predicted probabilities of choosing the nearest station decrease as travel distance increases, whether the station is further-away or not. Generally speaking, the predicted probability of choosing the nearest station is the higher for non-further-away stations than further-away stations. According to Fig. 5, at 10 km travel distance, the predicted probability of the nearest station choice is over 85% for non-further-away stations. In comparison, it is less than 60% for further- away stations.