According to her family, harries drank coke all the time, compulsively, for years. When she ran out of coke she would go into addicts withdrawal symptoms like shaking and being angry. also, they stated that before having her heart failure she would complain about fast and strong heart beats. Harries lost all of her teeth because of her drinking habits and one of her children was born with bad teeth disturbance.
In an autopsy operation it was discovered that harries liver was abnormally big, even though she didn’t drink any alcohol. That is because of fat cells in her liver and low levels of Potassium in her blood that led to problems in her vascular system. Her family members claimed that they didn’t think cola in these amounts can be harmful and that it may be required to put a warning sign on this caffeinated sugared beverage.
“Coca Cola” claimed that the pathologist that preformed the autopsy was too fast with his conclusions with blaming the drinking habits of Harries and not her nutritional habits and exercises.