Please find the attached draft of Khun Eugene (CCO)’s visit plan during 30-Jun – 1-Jun for your consideration. Kindly note that based on time and convenience, I have to skip the warehouse visit out of the plan. Your kind comment or advice would be appreciated. I will finalize it shortly before confirming to Khun Dawn for his further action soonest possible. Thanks very much.
Ref. is made to Eugene’s orientation program (draft) that you have sent to Dawn below.
The program timings (beginning and concluding) are appropriate with Eugene’s arrival and departure flights.
Please find enclosed Eugene’s flight details for your reference.
Also, Ryan will be on the same flight as that of Eugene.
Once the Program is finalised, appreciate very much, if a copy of the Program (final), could be furnished to Eugene Cheng (cc me a copy) of it as well.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Let me know if you have other queries.