Many object to Turing's imitation game as a test for intelligence or thought. The principal objection is that the test only takes into account the linguistic behaviour of the machine. It ignores how the machine operates.
"The fundamental goal of this research is not merely to mimic intelligence or produce some clever fake. Not at all . 'Al' wants only the genuine article: machines with minds, in the full andliteral sense." -John Haugeland
Imagine a machine that passes the Turing test, but does so by patently non-interlligent means.
For example, as a thought experiment, imagine a machine that could memorize all possible conversational fragments up to a given length.
Then, through verbatim regurgitation, such a machine might pass the test.
Although in practice this is likely to be impossible, some have used it as an illustration of the inadequacy of the Turing test.