The supply of Aspergillus residue and okara by the industry, which is not season-dependent, is continuous and steady,and therefore the most relevant parameter is stability for 3 d of use at the feeding center. Processing and availability ofgrape pulp, avocado pulp and pomegranate pulp are limited to their short harvest season (1–2 mo/yr), and therefore it wasimportant to measure their aerobic stability for at least 1 wk.Data in Table 2 show that initial low pH values (<3.7) and high ethanol content contributed to the preservation ofAspergillus residue, pomegranate pulp and grape pulp from additional development of molds and yeast during 3 or 7 d ofaerobic exposure. However, the initially high number of yeast found in these by-products (d 0) encouraged further WSCfermentation followed by a reduction, after 7 d, in their IVDMD. In the case of Aspergillus residue and grape pulp, with lowinitial WSC levels, the reduction in IVDMD was small, whereas in pomegranate pulp containing a high initial level of WSCthe reduction in IVDMD was higher.
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