Finally, the demands of governing, internal political pressures, and
practical economic concerns led Mandela to take actions that contradicted
the principles not only of democracy promotion but also of conflict
resolution. His government inherited the world’s tenth-largest arms
industry, an important source of foreign exchange and employment. Under
Mandela, in spite of some new oversight regulations, the industry
continued to export arms into conflict situations—to Algeria, Angola,
Chad, Indonesia, and both sides in Sudan’s civil war
Finally, the demands of governing, internal political pressures, andpractical economic concerns led Mandela to take actions that contradictedthe principles not only of democracy promotion but also of conflictresolution. His government inherited the world’s tenth-largest armsindustry, an important source of foreign exchange and employment. UnderMandela, in spite of some new oversight regulations, the industrycontinued to export arms into conflict situations—to Algeria, Angola,Chad, Indonesia, and both sides in Sudan’s civil war
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