In testing the Conveyor Unit, it has been found that when the speed of the bucket is
increased to 2.5 m/s. The tip of the bucket will hit soil clods or cassavas so hard that the
cassavas can be thrown out of the bucket before being conveyed from the ground. Therefore
the test was abandoned and the data has not been kept because of speed problem. While
the bucket that can operate at the speed of 0.5–1.5 m/s.
The results of the analysis regarding the achievement in conveying cassavas from the
ground to drop into the collecting trailer if the bucket speed is 0.5-1.5 m/s. and digging angle
is 20-25 degrees are shown in Table 6. When bucket speed is reduced, conveying is
statistically more successful (P-value 1.62-05). Increasing digging angle will decrease the
amount of cassavas that can be conveyed statistically (P-value 1.99-15). Increasing the
digging angle during excavation will make the soil clods become bigger. (See more details
from result of study in section 3.1).
Low bucket speeds help in collecting cassava better. However, while the bucket moves to
the collecting trailer, the speed of movement must be enough to create the momentum to
throw the cassava out of the bucket onto the collecting trailer that is attached at the back.
Using lower speeds always cause the problem of the cassava rhizomes being dropped
before they reach the collecting trailer. Therefore, bucket speed should be fast enough to
scoop the cassava from the ground and should be able to create the momentum to throw
cassava into the collecting trailer. Results from the tests have found that the bucket speed
should not be higher than 1.5 m/s.