Electronic Publishing
Now that it is firmly established in the consumer sector, electronic publishing is beginning to
demonstrate capabilities that challenge the boundaries between print and digital, still image and
video, and passive and interactive. Modern digital workflows support all manner of possible
publication, from traditional print to digital, web, and video. Building in the full spectrum of
potential publishing avenues — print, web, video, mobiles and tablets, and interactives — from
the beginning is not only a way to streamline production overall, but also to increase the reach of
the materials produced by leveraging the content over a wide range of media. Modern media
companies have been at the vanguard of this conversion. Magazine writers, for example, will
produce a piece so that it will work in the magazine, on the web, and in video — and the finished
product may appear in any or all of those outlets. Schools are looking to electronic publishing to
bring digital content to students, which often costs less to produce and update than traditional
textbooks. Recently, publishers have been developing enhanced e-books that include video,
audio, and other rich media to be better tailored to how students actually learn.