Bumpy road are bad so when repairing a highway stay tuned to the tips of the national department of infrastructure and transport the lane to be recovered needs to be closed 200 meters before the work zone. The first sign must be at 1km. and a half from the spot with following signs at every 500 meters and when closing the lane signalizing and reflective material cannot go missing and buckets with lights so that everyone can see at night we went a long way! So let’s recap what we saw along the way. Here everyone needs to be attentive.
Signaling and PPE ensure your safety. Before building a highway the grading and the topography of the places are made but to enter the thick vegetation the worker must use PPE such as safety boots and leather leg protectors. Living areas must have a good sanitary condition when concretion only those who are members of the team stay at the place. Supports and anchors of the formwork need to be inspection before and during the process. When repairing highways the lane to be recovered needs to be closed 200 meter before the work zone. Following the step by step everyone stays safe.