It should be noted that we evaluated children who were
in OW or obese categories defined by CDC, and only 7 of
our children fell in the obese category. The participants in
the studies performed by Morinder et al24 were in the obese
category with an average BMI value of >30 kg/m2 compared
to the average BMI of 20.5 kg/m2 in the current study. This may
have also led to smaller differences noted in our study between
the two groups of children. Also, the post hoc analysis revealed
that the power for 6MWD was 15% (overall post hoc power
for this study ranged between 15-90% for various variables).
Therefore, we may not have had large enough sample size
and between group differences to detect any significant
differences for this measure. Additionally, the observed
changes in HR (rest vs. post 6MWT) in the current study were
modest. This may indicate that the 6MWT used in the current
study may not have been challenging enough to evaluate
exercise capacity.