„Snort!” Chen Xiang Divine Blade shakes, sends out together clear dragon roar, the above blood was also shaken blood fog.
The remaining that two disciples whole bodies shiver, they naturally know that Lei Durong does not have the revolt strength, otherwise already to make a move extinguished Chen Xiang, they are fearing Chen Xiang that fierce toxin, is quietly unexpectedly lets a alone glory such fierce Martial Artist poison.
„Your you”
Lei Durong the words cannot say, Chen Xiang moves sideways, lets somebody cool off or calm down shouts: „Death!”
Divine Blade cuts to fall, the blood flies violently, brings the frightened head to tumble, these blood are the black, is bringing violently poisonously, making that two disciples look at the whole body to become tender, their fierce Dean, such die before them unexpectedly, by a little rascal butchering.
How long but they do not have fear, then forever deep sleep, Chen Xiang after killing Lei Durong, these two disciples together kill.
Chen Xiang emits flame, in flame is having the Demon Subduing Saint strength, can give to burn down these toxin, is only the short moment, here was cleaned up cleanly.
„Are you all right?” Chen Xiang walked , helping up that one-eye guy, then smiles looks at that to cry the adorable girl of pear flower belt rain.
„Many thanks rescues, it seems like outside humanity not also completely like these fellows.” A guy face awe looks at Chen Xiang, Lei Durong the strength they know certainly that they in Lei Durong the eyes, are similar to the ants are the same, but actually by Chen Xiang butchering.
„Does not use politely, these fellows in person many places is a good person, after once has a liking for the thing that some they want, will be more dangerous than everybody.” Chen Xiang said with a smile.
Chen Xiang and these three guys talked, knows that they are here indigenous people, called Gu Lingzu. Here is also the place of wicked origin, the energy that they absorb with wicked is the same, therefore by the seal here, is unable to depart, their overall strengths are not unexpectedly weak, with wicked quite!
A whose they come out with elder, but that elder pursues fierce ancient beast, makes them wait for here that then runs into that Lei Durong, Lei Durong happen to sees them to sort these rare and precious spirit herb(s), therefore got up read corruptly, must rob it.