Stands of cucumber plants derived from
phosphonate (AG3)-treated seed from soil
drenched with AG3 or left untreated in naturally
infested muck soil at two field sites near Holland
Marsh, ON. AG3-treated and untreated
cucumber ‘Straight Eight’ seed were planted on
twin rows of each of four replicate plots at both
sites with a planter. AG3 (0.07% a.i.) drench
solutions were applied immediately after planting.
Stand counts were determined from middle
1.5-m (Barn site) and 4.5-m (Creek site) sections
6 weeks after planting. Error bars are
standard error of mean from four replicates at
both sites (n = 4). Values followed by the same
letter do not differ significantly according to
Tukey’s test at P ≤ 0.05.