computers are used in all parts of lives. we use them at work and at school for work and for leisure. they make our lives
easier and help us to be better organised. so much so, in fact, be some of us can't live without them. computer make our working lives easier. they help us to be more accurate and so we can work faster and save time. we are also able to
keep a lot of information in one place and so everything we need is right in front of us.
in addition, computers give us access to the internet, which we can use for work, school and for pleasure. the
internet and e-mail help us keep in cotact with friends and relatives around the world. we can use it to have fun as
well as for work and study. on the pther hand, some people think it is unhealthy to spend too much time sitting at a
computer. the less time wespend execising. what is more, we also spend less time socialising with our friiend and
we don't talk to people as much.
all in all, computers are an important part of our lives today. they help use to wosk and study more effrctively and they are fun, too. however, we shold be careful not to spend all of our time in front of acomputer screen.