Jerusalem artichoke has been grown in various regions without any special breeding technique. As a food, Jerusalem
artichoke has a characteristic flavour and functional ingredients including inulin, other dietary fibers, and minerals. The
production of crisp from Jerusalem artichoke was investigated in this study because it contains high amount of inulin.
Inulin may provide health promoting effects especially for the people suffering from diabetes. Crisp production from
Jerusalem artichoke was studied in the scope of properties such as moisture, oil, color, texture and sensory. After
cleaning, tubers were boiled and given shape in the form of slices. Slices were cooked in the bench top deep fat fryer
or microwave oven. For crisps with Jerusalem artichoke, best results for frying and microwave oven applications were
obtained at 180°C for 180s and at 900W for 60s, respectively.