The second choice showed more variation than
the first one. Most respondents who chose item (b) as
their first choice tended to choose item (a) as their
second choice, and vice versa. However, some respondentsrespondents
ranked item (d) “receiving good treatment
(medically and verbally) from the health-care personnel”
as their second priority. A smaller number of
respondents chose item (c) “the right to choose the
health-care facilities” as their second priority.
Interestingly, many Village Health Volunteers who also
act as intermediaries between the MoPH and the
villagers and should have a better understand about the
health-care service and referral systems tended to give a
high priority to item (c) “the right to choose the healthcare
facilities.” This might reflect their awareness of the
limitations of the existing health-care service and
referral systems.