please tick or mark in the boxes provided or fill where appropriate
section A : personal data
Section B : Forensic Accounting and Financial Fraud Control
1.Forensic accounting can be used to Locate diverted funds or assets
(a)Strongly Agree(b)Agree(c)Undecided(d)Disagree(e)Strongly Disagree
2.Forensic accounting can ldentify misappropriated assets and identify reversible insider transactions;
4.forensic accounting is effective as a fraud detection tool
5.Forensic Accounting is solely enough as a tool to detect suspicious or fraudulent transactions
6.Risk assessment processes under forensic accounting specifically cover risk of fraud.
Forensic Accounting and Internal Control Quality
7.Forensic accounting is effective in designing internal control system
8.Forensic accounting is effective in Monitoring and evaluation of internal control systems
Forensic Accounting and Financial Reporting Credibility