TOPICS (by your number 1 – 60)
1. Importance of Kalimah Tayibah
2. Islam and Belief in the Unseen
3. Islam and Belief in the Hereafter
4. Success in Compliance with Allah’s Commandments
5. Importance of Fard (Obligatory) Salat
6. Importance of Salat in congregation
7. Importance of Sunnat Nafil (Non-Obligatory) Salat
8. Importance of Khushu and Khudu (Fear and Devotion) in Salat
9. Importance of Performing Wudu (Ablution)
10. Importance of Ilm in Islam
11. Importance of Zikrullah in Islam
12. Importance of Reciting Al-Quran
13. Importance of Du-a (Supplication)
14. Importance of Doing Ikram towards our parents
15. Importance of Doing Ikram towards our ustaz/ulama
16. importance of marriage in Islam
17. importance of being a housewife/full-time mother
18. Aurat of females in Islam
19. Best qualities of Muminat
20. importance of Burqa/Niqab for female Muslims