2.3. Viable count of inoculated strains (VC)
A one milliliter sample was taken from each fermentation flask.
Serial tenfold dilutions were prepared in a solution of 0.9% NaCl (w/v)
and 0.1% (w/v) bacto peptone (Difco). Viable counts of LAB and probiotic
bacteria in mixed cultures were obtained by spreading 0.1mL sample of
an appropriate dilution onto the surface of MRS plates containing 0.1%
(w/v) cysteine-HCl and 0.01% (w/v) aniline blue under anaerobic conditions
during incubation (37 ° C for 2 days) (Evangelista et al., 2012;
Wang et al., 2002). The colonies presented different shades of color
(white and blue) allowing differential count. Yeasts were grown on
YPD agar pH 3.5 at 28 °C for 5 days. Colony forming units (CFU) were
enumerated in plates containing 30 to 300 colonies, and cell concentration
was expressed as log CFU/mL of fermented PSM.