The story is set in Edinburgh, Scotland. Inspector Jenny Logan is summoned by Sergeant Grant to the house of fashionable restaurateur, Alex Maclennan, who has been found dead on the floor of the bathroom, behind a locked door. The body was found by Alice Maclennan, the victim’s wife, and her brother, Donald Johnstone. After questioning them, Logan suspects there may be suspicious circumstances. Later, Logan questions Ian Ross, manager of Alex Maclennan’s restaurant. She discovers that Ross is a salaried manager, not a partner. She also discovers that Ross used to be in the army. Grant reveals that Johnstone has major financial problems and is heavily in debt. The pathologists then confirm the cause and time of Alex Maclennan’s death but cannot say whether the broken neck was murder or not. Pieces of black fabric found at the scene of the murder are being examined. Logan sees journalist friend Tam MacDonald, who tells her that the Maclennans’ marriage was unhappy but cannot confirm whether Alice had a lover.