In fact, most of the public agencies present a defensive attitude
in dealing with citizens’ opinions and complaints. Ignoring citizens’
opinions will result in the public agencies’ repeating same faulty
service. Besides, the public agency employees often too
conveniently rely on previously established standard operation
Table 1
Primary diagnosis of customer complaint categories.
Customer complaint categories Frequency % of total complaints
1. Inadequate public facility design or construction 212 21.6⁄
2. Building construction without licence 4 0.4
3. Poor environmental sanitation and hygiene conditions (e.g. garbage
disposal, pet droppings on roads and stray animal management)
33 3.4
4. Viatical obstructions (e.g. unauthorised occupation of roads,
insufficient parking spaces)
30 3.1
5. Environmental hazards (e.g. dangerous signboards, uneven road
surface, damaged or insufficient numbers of security surveillance
115 11.7⁄
6. Poor quality control of infrastructure constructions (e.g. flooding,
water outage)
6 0.6
7. Noise pollution 9 0.9
8. Inefficient maintenance of public facilities (e.g. streetlamp
maintenance, leisure park facilities, venues for exercises, bus, traffic
signs, sewerage maintenance, roadway maintenance, government
website maintenance)
36 3.7
9. Failure to keep promises 77 7.8
10. Unreasonable traffic tickets 104 10.6⁄
11. Slow administrative procedure 77 7.8
12. Reluctant administrative procedures 1 0.1
13. Insufficient professionalism of public servants 9 0.9
14. Poor service attitudes or absence on duty 49 5.0
15. Ignorance of citizens’ rights 79 8.0⁄
16. Reluctance to take responsibilities 42 4.3
17. Failure to provide out-of-SOP (standard operating procedures)
22 2.2
18. Lack of empathic services 78 7.9
Total 983 100.0
⁄ indicates the first four highest figures