By selecting the outcomes (benefits) to be
measured and linking training to those outcomes
while holding, to the extent possible, other
factors constant, level 4 measurement becomes a
relatively simple matter. All training managers
have to do is track the outcomes for which
baseline measures were gathered before the
training, and they will know what the payoff is.
Among the most important outcomes (benefits)
to be documented are increased quality,
productivity, sales, service, safety, and
workforce flexibility; reduced operational costs,
medical insurance and workers’ compensation
claims; and lower absenteeism. Other outcomes,
which are more difficult to document and
quantify, include the increased stability of the
workforce; improved morale, harmony, job
satisfaction, and attitude; a lower requirement
for supervision; the formation of selection pools
for promotion; supervisory skill development;
and improved customer relations.
Once training managers learn how to calculate