Jack Patrick "JJ" Deveraux is born as the son the recently widowed Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) and the late Jack (Matthew Ashford). JJ is named after his father and Patrick Lockhart (Brody Hutzler).[1] JJ is born on the island of Melaswen after Jennifer goes in search of his father Jack who is believed to have been killed by the Salem Stalker long before JJ's birth.[1] Jack and Jennifer are reunited on the island and JJ meets his father. After several near death experiences, the family makes it back to Salem. Upon their reunion, the family relocates to London where Jack and Jennifer get jobs as reporters.[1]
JJ reappears in Salem in May 2013 after getting kicked out of boarding school. JJ's lies quickly catch up to him when his school reveals that he was expelled due to him knowing about his roommate selling drugs on campus. Jennifer enrolls JJ in summer school, while JJ immediately dislikes Jennifer's new boyfriend, Doctor Daniel Jonas (Shawn Christian). Abigail (Kate Mansi) is immediately weary of JJ's excuses and interrogates him often. JJ and his friend Rory go so far as to vandalize Daniel's car, but JJ continues to claim innocence in everything he does which causes tension between his mother and Daniel. When JJ and Rory cannot make enough money off of selling pot, JJ sets his sights on Abigail's Doctor boyfriend, Cameron Davis (Nathan Owens) and steals medication from the hospital.