respectively. CMs where outcomes were indicated as successful or
very successful by over 70% of users included removing shrubs,
brush or other diverse habitat, managing waste products, and
removing perching, nesting or roosting areas, employed by 19, 14
and 15 users. The following CMs were ranked by only one
respondent as having unsuccessful or very unsuccessful outcomes:
influencing agricultural crop practices within 8 km; trapping; light
harassment; erecting non electric fencing; and noise harassment.
About one respondent per CM answered that they did not knowthe
outcome of the implemented CM.
Airport respondents were asked to state how they determined if
CMs implemented at their airport were successful. CM outcomes
were assessed 271 times by the airports (Fig. 2). CM implementation
outcomes over all airport classifications were assessed using
record keeping systems 6.6% of the time, using reports from pilots
and staff 34.7% of the time, and using past experience over 40% of
the time.
Based on 34 survey responses, over 80% of airports implement
specific grass management practices. None of the responding 8
small airports left their grass long as a method to discourage animal
or bird use, while 50% of the six national airports and 14.3% of the
14 regional airports did leave their grass long, primarily intending
to discourage gull and goose usage. The two most common grass
mowing practices, each reported by 32.1% of respondents, were: all
practical areas were mowed regularly, but the height to which they
were mowedwas not specified; and the grasswas kept short, either