Don’t depend on others for your own happiness
There are lots of people who let others dictate how they feel.
You probably even know someone who’s like this, always talking to you and crying about how their latest romantic endevour has crashed and how they feel worthless etc, does this sound familiar? Just remember, that you deserve to be happy, and therefore why would you GIVE AWAY control of their happiness to circumstances which you may not even have control over?
It’s like giving the wheel of your car to a potentially dangerous diver while you’re in the car.
Remember when you’re feeling down that you actually have control over how you feel. If you’re used to giving up this control, then changing it may take some practice and a bit of time, but in the end you should try and work towards a place where you’re happy regardless of things that are OUTSIDE your control. Don’t rely on other people for your happiness.
This unhappy dependence has the effect of exasperating and discouraging those who are trying to “help” her, and they give up on her. They do not understand her paradoxical, self-destructive behavior. In the end, Tammy is obliged to seek out replacement “helpers” at increasingly frequent intervals.