Nature of use e-commerce source(s)
Information search Young & Benamati 2000
Receiving customer orders Young & Benamati 2000
Accepting customer payments
Customer service requests Young & Benamati 2000
Purchase orders
Payments to vendors
Amount of use e-commerce source(s)
Number of e-commerce site visits D’Ambra & Rice 2001;
Molla & Licker 2001
Length of stay
Number of purchases completed
Table 3. E-Commerce System Use Measures.
System Use
As with traditional information systems [18], customer or supplier use is an important measure of success for e-commerce systems, especially because customer use is more often voluntary. The nature and amount of the usage are both important indicators of success. The usage metrics in Table 3 were found almost exclusively in the trade literature.
Net Benefits
Measures of net benefits success address the ultimate impact of the e-commerce system and therefore represent the most important category of success measurement.
An e-commerce or e-business system can benefit a single user(usually a customer), a group
of users, an organization, or an entire industry. Hence ,the net benefits success measures
found in the literature are organized by level (individual, group, organization, and industry e-commerce measures) in Tables 4 through 7. Two factors accounted for the many new e-commerce success measures identified in this section: (a) the new context—e-commerce,
and (b) the new research domain—marketing research literature in addition to IS literature.
How do individual users benefit from the use of e-commerce systems? The individual benefit measures identified in the MIS and marketing literature can be found in Table 4.
The Internet and e-commerce systems enable people to work together to achieve specific objectives. How do groups of users benefit from the use of ecommerce systems? The group benefit measures identified in the MIS and marketing literature are shown in Table5.
Some of the most important benefits from an e-commerce system accrue to
the organization that invested in the system. How do organizations benefit
from the use of e-commerce systems? The organization benefit measures iden-