The experimental device was used for the experiments with aerobic bio-oxidation
and aerobic bio-oxidation combined with ozonation (Fig.1). The
device consisted basically of the laboratory bioreactor and the re-circulation
system equipped with ozone generator and ozonation column where the recirculating
biologically treated water was treated with ozone. Ozone-air mixture
was generated in the corona discharge ozone generator (Clear Water
Tech, model P-2000) fed by dry air.
Additional facilities were: air compressor, dosing pumps, and analytical
apparatus. The laboratory bioreactor was an aerobic activated sludge reactor
with the aeration chamber of the volume of 7.5 L and settling chamber of the
volume of 2.5 L. The device was operated in the continuous-flow mode and
its long-lasting uninterrupted operation (more than a year) was maintained
by an automatic control system.