“drinking tablets” [30]. The exact nature of the tablets was
not reported.
Aside from earlier work surrounding sexual and reproductive
health that highlighted women’s experiences of
induced abortion, [19] no study has described women’s
experiences of induced abortion, specifically relating to
the socio-cultural context within PNG. The overall aim
of this paper is to describe, from one setting in PNG, the
reasons why women resort to unsafe abortion, the techniques
used, the consequences leading to hospital admission
and the reasons behind both the abortion and
seeking post abortion care.
“drinking tablets” [30]. The exact nature of the tablets wasnot reported.Aside from earlier work surrounding sexual and reproductivehealth that highlighted women’s experiences ofinduced abortion, [19] no study has described women’sexperiences of induced abortion, specifically relating tothe socio-cultural context within PNG. The overall aimof this paper is to describe, from one setting in PNG, thereasons why women resort to unsafe abortion, the techniquesused, the consequences leading to hospital admissionand the reasons behind both the abortion andseeking post abortion care.
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