that is present from the moment of conception) which is caused by an extra chromosome. Physical characteristics of an individual with Down syndrome may include: a flatter face, upward slanting eyes, and a somewhat larger tongue.
Down syndrome also includes some degree of mental retardation or learning disability. Health problems associated with Down syndrome may also include chest and sinus infections, feeding problems for infants, tongue control and heart problems. Some individuals with Down syndrome also have stomach problems.
Early intervention with medical care and physical therapy can increase life expectancy. Many children with Down syndrome participate in typical educational, social and recreational activities - sometimes with special assistance.
What you might expect to see and experience
Delayed development in such areas as: sitting, walking, talking, toileting and bathing. These will occur, just at a slower pace.
Chronic (ongoing) health problems (see above).
Your Role
You may be asked to help with special exercise routines related to speech or physical therapy programs.
You may need to be alert to physical conditions such as ear or sinus infections.
You may be asked to provide intellectual and physical stimulation to help your child reach new developmental milestones.
Questions you might ask
How should I participate in my child's special developmental program?
If asked, how shall I explain Down syndrome to others?
Are there any special dietary or medical routines that I should be aware of?