Media Design
The study programme Media Design will prepare you for work in the area of audio-visual media. This distinguishes it significantly from classical Communication Design, in which print media are the centre of attention. Currently, the following study programmes in media design are offered:
the BA programme Time-based Media, which began in 2007,
the MA programme Time-based Media, which began in the winter semester 2009/2010
Besides traditional training for film and video, instruction in the areas of 2D and 3D animation as well as the conceptualisation and realisation of interactive and multimedia-based media concepts. This also includes the systematic and sophisticated use of computers to solve the respective design problems. For this reason it is important that you have no reservations about working with computers.
The study programme deals with many diverse audio-visual and electronic media and design technologies. Students will acquire sound knowledge and experience of design ranging from a strictly functional application to unrestricted artistic experiments. Basic technological principals are also thoroughly dealt with.
Media are interdependent and are embedded in society and culture. It is therefore necessary to give attention to the history of media and communications as well as the basic principles of media sociology and the science of communications. Occupational, economic, legal and organisational aspects are also dealt with.