Please refer to the subject consignment which has been discharged at Discharge Port
We would like to draw your attention to B/L clause 22, which obliges the customer to release the cargo/container “Within the time provided
For, in the Carrier’s Applicable Tariff” i.e. detention free time.
In these circumstances, we hold you fully liable and responsible for all charges/ expenses/ losses incurred/ suffered by us on account of
your default.
In this respect your attention is drawn to the B/L clauses 22.2, 22.3 & 22.4 which state that if Merchant fails to take the delivery
within time provided by carrier or Goods are left unclaimed within a reasonable time, Carrier has the right to recover all such
costs /losses or damages from the merchant. Your refusal to take the delivery shall give authority to the carrier of filing a claim against you.
“We would like to remind you that Pakistan Customs under section 82 of Pakistan Custom’s Act 1969 can auction your cargo at any time as shipment has remained un cleared for more than 20 days from the discharge date.”
You are kindly requested to take delivery of your subject shipment after completion of all customs and Line’s formalities, in order
to avoid Custom’s auction and increased Line’s outstanding dues/charges.
Failure in compliance to above prescribed options may result in cancellation of future bookings/consignments for Pakistan.
Note: Kindly ignore the above message, If the containers already picked up or returned earlier.